Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 25~Me as Leader

I decided to take a picture of myself, I know, weird...but, I don't get many pictures of myself. HA!! I set my phone camera on timer and took a picture of me in teacher pose after my classes at the Q Operations Center.


Day 23~Mass Production

I have skipped a couple of days of photos....but, this is still more consistent than I have ever been. So, here I am working on my Niece's/Godchild's Wedding I am working on 50-90 with 40 more to go. My Alyssa is helping with the heat tool to heat set the embossing on all the outsides of the Invite's....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 20~My Routine

for today's photo, I thought I would share a little bit of my daily morning routine. I wake up and start the day with some coffee and email checking. That is the main time I get to go online and catch up on emails etc.

Day 19~ My Challenge

Yes, Timmy is my challenge ......not in a bad way, just UGH!! It is a struggle to get him to sit still long enough to do his homework. He is so full of life and wants to have fun and play and be silly all day and night!! He is also the sweetest, most giving little boy ever!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 18~On Air at QVC

Over the last year, I became a Certified Walk Leader through Leslie Sansone. After being asked to be in one of her DVD's, Super Mom's......I couldn't get enough of the great feeling Walking was giving me....meeting everyone that participates in creating these DVD's was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. Then, once the DVD's were produced, we were asked to go on air at QVC to promote them. Since then (Jan 10), I have been on air 2 other times, up until this week. We were asked to go on to promote power walking and using weights. Since I teach classes at QVC, I am readily available and don't have to fly in, anyway. A few photos for the 18th day.

Myself and my Friend Christa, who also has become a Walk Leader for QVC Employees and starred on air.

though this picture is a little blurry, I LOVE it. Leslie is such a sweet person and you just can't help but smile around her. She really has changed my I feel on daily basis. So much more that words can't even explain.

Day 17~ Leave it to the Children

Knowing the children had a day off from school......and I had to work, I asked them to take some pictures for this day's photo.....well believe me it was a hard decision out of all the silly photos they took...but this is the one I decided would be fun to use.......
My kids are always goofing off and having fun...well, most of the time......any other day of the week they get along like most siblings do. So capturing this is priceless!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 16_Project Life Cover Page

Yes, I am a little behind in has been a BUSY week!! Especially Day 18 but I will get to that in a minute =0)

For Day 16 I am going to share my Cover Page for this album.....made with all Close To My Heart products of coarse....



What better a Cover Page than all my PEEPS!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15~Brings back memories

Finding an injured bird while you are out would think, Awww poor, not my Husbad, he usually thinks, Awwww, we can nurse it back to health. So even though I made it abundantly clear I DID NOT want this bird brought home, ah, yeah, you can see where it goes from here.

Brings back memories of our first year of Marriage where during one of his Lanscaping moments, one of our workers runs over a mother rabbit.....whom, hmmm, has babies....first thought, Lucy can take care of them. And so I did.....3 wild little baby bunnies....nursed them with a little bottle or something I can't even remember what, until they were big enough to release out in the wild.

Day 14~ Sharing

My Daughter finally got to show her Bestie our XBox's photo is her trying out Dance Central!!


Day 13~ What a great day

I haven't been extremely active in my Close To My Heart, when I finally got a new order and our new Idea Book, ahhhh what a great day....I knew it had to be my photo of the day:


Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 12~ Teaching Walk Live Classes

I am fortunate enough to be a Certified Walk Leader through Leslie Sansone, Walk At Home(along with being in a couple of her DVD's). Here is a photo of one of the class rooms...I teach to the QVC Employees, 6 classes a week. We have a total of 12 classes a week that I and a couple other Walk Leaders teach.


Day 11~Beauty in Life

Here is another photo I took driving to work. The sky was so beautiful and peaceful, I had to pull out my camera phone for today's photo.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 10~ Spring is closer than I like to think


What can I say other than the fun begins. The start of batting practice with the school ...that can only mean my busiest time of year is nearing quicker than I like it to. Spring sports brings me to live practically in my car every night. Though I do so enjoy watching the kiddos play.

Day 9~ Sneaky Pup

You will notice alot of my daily photos have my Brandi Girl in them. That would be because she is my shadow!! Well, this particular morning, as she hangs her head in shame, she is returning from the neighbors house, where she knows she is not to go. Yet, she still ventures over there. Upon her decent home, she hangs her head knowing full well I am not happy with her.

some days her cuteness is the only thing saving her hide =0)

Things I have never paid much attention too!!~ Day 8

One thing this project is doing for me is opening my eyes to things I would have just not paid too much mind too. Now I am taking pictures of everything, LOL.Like my drive to work. Just my little everyday things.
As my week goes on, it gets a little harder for me to get to the computer and blog my pictures of each day. But when I do I will catch them all up. So, you will see a few days posted today!!


This is my girl!! Saturday morning. Enjoying first access to our new 42 inch television, barely a week old. Everyone wants to make sure they get to it before anyone else!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7~ My Guardian

This day's photo represents my Brandi Girl. She follows me throughout the house each and everyday/night. When I arrive home from work or anywhere really, she is so excited that she can hardly contain herself. What a great unconditional love!!


Hopefully my photography skills will get a lot better throughout the year =0)

Day 6~ My Drive into Work

I am one that is scared to death to drive in bad weather. So, any morning I wake up and there is snow, I am immediately worked up. Well, on my 1 hour and 15 minute commute (which should have only been 15 minutes) I decided to take my days photo while sitting in traffic that was moving 5 miles an hour.


Day 5 ~A Little Private time

For this day ...I took a photo that I am not going to share on the internet. Hubby went in to have his Gallbladder removed and he wanted me to take a photo of him in his bed while he was waiting to go to surgery. So, while he is very silly about this things, I would rather leave it to my scrapbook then post on the internet.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3 and Day 4

Day 3
I realized I must get moving just a bit quicker on my Niece's Wedding Invites. Here sits the insert, which is the "actual" invite.....48 of them. I still need to stamp this and fit them inside their folder. But the folders are embossed, folded and ready for them. Only 85 more to go! SO, I MUST work on these a little at a time as I have time to do them during the week.

Day 4
this is my daily routine on day I teach a Walk Class.
I set my Walk bag out with my purse and each night/morning, I add my walk clothes, shoes and paperwork. Same spot each and every time. I figured I would document a part of my routine while doing this challenge.

Day 2

here is my Day 2 Picture....I am a little behind in posting, but I have all my pictures taken so far, just a matter of blogging them.


this is a card that is part of a set of cards. I used a Card Workshop out of the Close To My Heart Wishes Card Confidence Program. I was so proud to finally get them done after starting a couple of months ago.

so, I had to take a photo of one to share with my friends on the internet.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Picture, day 1....the beginning of a New Year always makes me want to get here you see my bag of shredded receipts and deposit slips from the past 2 years!
Testing my mobile blogging!